How much does a web site cost?
You could just as well ask, "How long is a piece of string?"
Being one of the most asked questions, it is also the most difficult question to answer. The truth is that every project is different, and requires a different amount of resources to complete.
Is the cost of a website affordable?

Still not sure if you can afford the cost to invest in a professional website today?
We understand exactly how you feel! In fact, many others initially had the same concerns as you. What many of these people discovered though, was that in today's electronic world, they could not afford not to make their business presence known on the internet.
When considering the cost of a website there are a few facts to keep in mind:
- Busy households, often turn to the internet when they are searching for a product or service, far more rapidly than the yellow pages.
- Many people have found the initial cost of a website to be far less than the cost to their business of not making their presence known on the net!
- A professional business website reaches a worldwide audience, and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
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